Business Solutions

A Businessman have to focus on their core business activities but simultaneously need to take care of various indirect activities like accounting, taxation and other growing complex legal compliance.


However today’s market scenario demand a businessman to focus on growing the business rather than keeping himself busy with such indirect but significant activities.

Major challenges faced by various entrepreneurs nowadays are:

  1. Mismanaged Accounts & Business Processes
  2. Various complex Tax Compliances
  3. Enormous paper work due to Manual Accounting.
  4. Non-availability of online data for timely & effective decision making
  5. Maintenance of financial data as per banking needs


We provide one stop solution for all your business needs under the guidance of experienced professionals.


  • Streamlining your business process in just Rs. 1199/- per month
  • Periodic monitoring of process and books of accounts
  • Payroll Management
  • Budgeting & Cost Analysis
  • Availability of online data & report, charts etc.